Yaroslav Lazor                                       searchin for Lazor Family ?

My name is Yaroslav Lazor, and I am the CEO of Railsware, a product studio dedicated to crafting meaningful software solutions. 

A bit about me: Three decades in tech, building damn good products in charge of Railsware, changing how businesses are managed with Mailtrap.io, Coupler.io, and Titanapps.io.
I love finding the right people for the right roles (a hiring ratio of 1:100 pays it off) and solve complex problems.
My engineer heart, empathy to each being experience, ever-curious mind, and belief in disciplined innovation remain the core of my management approach.

In addition to product I also run the service business where we help some amazing people build great products.
We are product to help build : calendly.com , parentsquare.com , officespacesoftware.com , nexhealth.com , brightbytes.net , kvh.com, montessoricompass.com, flexspace.ai or recent one tradezella.com, seedtime.us , zetta.inc, smithrx.com , brite.co  and some other who don't want to be named.

Here's my LinkedIn profile : https://www.linkedin.com/in/ylazor/